Are You Destined to Become an Actor?
Let me ask you a question: Are You Destined to Become an Actor?
It’s a basic question that agents, managers and even guidance counselors ask people who get bit by the show business bug. Show business is not for everyone. You need to feel it in your bones. There will be good breaks, bad breaks and moments you just wonder how people survive in Hollywood.
Being an actor is not an easy job. It is difficult and challenging, and it requires a lot of hard work and perseverance. You don’t just become an actor and some people never even make it. Then again, when you get your first big break, you make it big

The process to become an actor can take years, but if you have the potential to become a great actor, you should know that from the bottom of your heart.
We all have our own unique qualities and talents. Some people are just born to be actors, dancers or singers. There are many people who don’t believe in destiny or fate but trust us when we say that there’s something much bigger at play here.
There are so many things in life that simply cannot be explained logically, and one of those things is being destined for something in your future.
When you know that there is something out there — or someone — waiting for you somewhere in this world, then chances are you are destined to meet them someday.
Are you a natural actor? Do you find yourself in the spotlight more often than not? Are you confident, engaging and entertaining in almost any situation? If so, there’s a strong possibility that acting could be your calling.
Becoming an actor isn’t as easy as it sounds. It takes dedication, perseverance and a willingness to sacrifice to reach this lofty goal. But with the right mindset and proper planning, anyone can make their dreams of becoming an actor a reality.
If you have aspirations of becoming an actor and think that you might be cut out for it, you’re probably right.
Are you an aspiring actor with a passion for performing? Are you constantly watching new movies and analyzing character performances? Do you practice your lines in the mirror and perform for friends or family? If so, we think you’ll love becoming an actor! Acting is a career that lets you become other people.
You get to use your imagination, practice speaking in front of others, hone your skills as a storyteller, and even make money from it! No matter what type of acting interests you—from theater to film to commercial—knowing if you have the potential to become an actor can be challenging. You love to play and you don’t mind that the world sees you in action.
If that’s something you want to pursue as a career, here are 30 signs that suggest you’re destined to become an actor:
1 You’ve always loved performing.
If you’ve always loved performing, this might be a sign that you are destined to become an actor, especially if you’ve felt this way since childhood. You might have vivid childhood memories of performing at school, home, or even in the backyard.
As a child, you might have even created your own plays and acted out stories with your friends—even if you didn’t realize it at the time! Some children are fascinated by pretend play and are natural actors.
These are the kids who love to dress up in costumes, put on shows, and interact with others through make-believe. These early experiences might be planting the seeds for a future career in acting.
2 You Read Casting Calls like they are Novels
There is no stopping your casting call fever. You find, read and decide to submit to every possible audition you might be perfect for. Even if you are marginally perfect for it, you try anyway. And you don’t stop there. If you see a casting call that fits a friend, who is first to text the news? Yes, you of course.
3 You Make Your Friends Crazy talking about the Latest New TV Shows
Not only can you discuss current shows, you have the 4-1-1 on the new shows coming out too. More deets than the critics and plenty of opinions, you are tracking the trending forthcoming shows like an entertainment producer in the business. You could be considered walking Entertainment Encyclopedia of Entertainment in one human.
4. You feel most at home when on stage or in front of a camera.
If you feel most at home when on stage or in front of a camera, this could be a sign that you are destined to be an actor. There are many types of careers in the arts, but only actors get to experience the thrill of inhabiting other characters. You know when you get to Hollywood you will find your perfect fit.
If you feel most at home when in front of a camera or on stage, you might have found your calling. When you are in character, you are letting your true self come out. You are being yourself while also becoming someone else.
When you are on stage or in front of a camera, you are the center of attention, which can be extremely rewarding. You might enjoy the feeling of being in the spotlight and the attention that comes with being an actor.

5 You are constantly watching and analyzing movies.
Are you constantly watching and analyzing movies? If so, this could be a sign that you might be destined to become an actor. Actors watch a lot of movies, TV shows, and other media in order to observe and learn from other actors. You find Backstage a great way to keep up on the details of the business.
Watching and analyzing movies can also be a great way to strengthen your skills as a storyteller. Do you love watching movies and TV shows? Are you constantly analyzing them? If so, you might have what it takes to become an actor.
6 You can vividly imagine characters and scripts as if they were real.
If you can vividly imagine characters and scripts as if they were real, this could be a sign that you are destined to become an actor. Actors have to be extremely imaginative. This is because they are creating new worlds and characters from scratch.
When you are writing a script, you are creating a mini-world that others can enter, live in, and experience. If you can vividly imagine characters and scripts as if they were real, you might be destined to become an actor. When writing scripts, actors are required to use different parts of their brains. They need to think logically and clearly about what they’re writing, as well as use their imaginations to transport themselves into their characters.
A strong imagination is essential for actors because it allows them to create and fully inhabit their characters. If you can vividly imagine characters and scripts as if they were real, this might be a sign that you are destined to become an actor.
7 You have a strong desire to be an entertainer, storyteller, and artist.
A desire to be an entertainer, storyteller, and artist can be a sign that you are destined to become an actor. Do you have a strong desire to entertain others? Are you constantly telling stories and creating art?
If so, you might have what it takes to become an actor. Being an actor is not just about performing; it is also about creating.
As an actor, you are creating a new world every time you perform. In order to do this, you need to be a strong storyteller and artist. You need to be able to look at your script and imagine it as if it were real. You also need to be able to use your creative abilities to bring your character to life through your actions, movements, and voice.
If you have a strong desire to be an entertainer, storyteller, and artist, this could be a sign that you are destined to become an actor.
8 Confidence is not your biggest struggle.
If confidence is not your biggest struggle, this could be a sign that you are destined to become an actor. Becoming a successful actor does not happen overnight.
It takes a lot of hard work and persistence. It also takes a great deal of confidence. If confidence is not your biggest struggle, this might be a sign that you could be successful at acting.
Successful actors are not only talented individuals; they also have a high level of confidence. They are willing to put themselves out there and take risks.
They know what their strengths and weaknesses are, and they work hard to constantly improve. If confidence is not your biggest struggle, it might be because you are more than prepared to become an actor.
9 You are empathetic and care about the feelings of others.
If you are empathetic and care about the feelings of others, this could be a sign that you are destined to become an actor. Being an actor requires you to be empathetic.
You need to be able to understand the emotions, thoughts, and feelings of other characters. You also need to be able to understand the emotions, thoughts, and feelings of the people you are performing for, such as an audience. Being empathetic is another sign that you are destined to become an actor.
You also need to be able to respond to the emotions of others. As an actor, you need to be able to respond to the emotions of the director, other actors, your crew, and even the audience. If you are empathetic and care about the feelings of others, this could be a sign that you are destined to become an actor.
10 Becoming an actor is your life’s mission and purpose.
If becoming an actor is your life’s mission and purpose, this could be a sign that you are destined to become an actor.
Are you constantly thinking about becoming an actor? Do you have a burning desire to become an actor? If so, this could be a sign that you are destined to become an actor. Becoming an actor takes tremendous effort and determination.
You need to be willing to put in the time and effort to pursue your dreams. If becoming an actor is your life’s mission and purpose, this could be a sign that you are ready to become an actor.
11 You have a vivid imagination
If you have a vivid imagination, this could be a sign that you are destined to become an actor. As an actor, you are required to have an extremely vivid imagination. You need to be able to transport yourself into your character and see the world from their perspective.
If you have a vivid imagination, this could be a sign that you are ready to become an actor. Becoming an actor requires you to use your creativity. You need to be able to draw on your creative abilities to create characters, develop storylines, and even write your own scripts.
If you have a vivid imagination, this could be a sign that you are ready to become an actor.
12 You enjoy being in front of an audience

If you enjoy being in front of an audience, this might be a sign that you are destined to become an actor. When you are on stage or in front of an audience, you are constantly in the spotlight. Are you comfortable being the center of attention? Do you enjoy being in front of an audience?
If so, this might be a sign that you are ready to become an actor. Becoming an actor requires you to be confident in your abilities and willing to put yourself out there. Do you enjoy being in front of an audience
13 You’re always putting on plays with your friends.
You might be an actor if you frequently participate in theatrical productions with your friends. You might write your own plays, direct short productions, or even put together a one-act play for a school festival.
Although this isn’t an exact science for determining if you’re an actor, it does show that you have a passion for performing and a desire to create characters. If you’re always trying to get your friends to dress up and put on a show, you might have the bug to become an actor.
Acting isn’t just about what happens on the stage; it’s also about the process of putting on a show: the costumes, makeup, and rehearsals. If you’re always looking for people to act with you, or you feel restless when you’re not performing, you might be meant to become an actor.
14 You love to read and discover new characters.
Reading can be a great way to discover new characters and stories. You might have a tendency to gravitate towards scenes instead of plots or you might love to let your imagination run wild while reading a book.
If you’re constantly reading and evaluating different characters, you might be ready to become an actor. Reading can help you discover new acting techniques and inspire your creativity for creating new characters. Becoming an actor will allow you to bring characters to life and share them with other people. If you love to read, acting might be a great career for you. Reading will help you discover new characters and stories.
If you’re constantly reading and evaluating different characters, you might be ready to become an actor. Reading can help you discover new acting techniques and inspire your creativity for creating new characters.
14 You Shut off Your Phone During Award Shows to Avoid Distractions
If there is an award show, you are there! The biggest fan of the stars dreams one day to be acting and walking the red carpet for the moment you are recognized. Knowing that the celebrities who walk the carpet get the big parts, you visualize being part of this show and watch all there is to know about the fashion, focus and entertainment that comes with award shows.
15 You Have Pictures of all the Hollywood Stars On the Walk of Fame
Believing you too can have a star on the walk of fame, you have taken time to see all the stars. Looking over the different celebrities, actors and entertainers, you know where their star is and what accomplishments they offered the entertainment world. In hopes that one day you too can join this elite group, you can offer directions to the more than 2,500 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Face
16 You have Studied all the Jargon of the Entertainment world
If they say it on a set, you know it. Not only can you offer up trends, you know all the jargon of the behind the scenes magic and progress of every production. It’s not easy being so in the know, but not to worry as you already know it.
17 You randomly Scream Cut at Your Temp Job to Reset the Scene
Your world of wanting to be an actor and living collide often when you scream cut and back to work everyone at your current job. It’s not because you want to, it’s because you have to.

18 You’re constantly watching movies and TV.
If you’re constantly watching movies and TV shows, you could be an actor. You might constantly notice the performances, study the characters, or be able to predict the ending of a plot. If you’re watching a movie and find yourself talking like one of the characters, it might be time to put down the remote and start studying acting.
You can also study acting by watching your favorite performances and dissecting them to determine what makes them so successful. If you constantly find yourself watching TV and movies, you might have the acting bug. Acting isn’t just about what happens on the stage; it’s also about the process of putting on a show: the costumes, makeup, and rehearsals.
If you’re watching a movie and find yourself talking like one of the characters, it might be time to put down the remote and start studying acting.
19 You Read the Credits of Every Performance
Doesn’t matter if it is a television show or a film, you take the extra few minutes to read who was working what job, where it was filmed and even check to make sure the animals get the appropriate credit. Why? Because it takes a village to make entertainment and you want to honor them all.
20 You enjoy performing in front of people.
If you constantly talk to your friends and family like you are on the stage, you might enjoy performing in front of people. You might want to perform for your neighbors or even start your own improv group.
If you’re constantly putting on shows for friends and family, it could be a sign that you’re meant to become an actor. If you enjoy performing in front of people, you might be a good fit to become an actor. You might want to perform for your neighbors or even start your own improv group. If you enjoy performing in front of people, you might be a good fit to become an actor.
21 You Recite Lines of Famous Movies at Inappropriate Times
A good line in a television show or movie shop never goes to waste. Keeping those versed dialogs in the back of your mind, you share them when it’s appropriate. And even when it’s not. Of course, your friends have your back, but you know they are secretly eye rolling when you offer up a line that isn’t quite right for the occasion.
22 You have a drive to constantly learn and grow as an actor.
If you’re constantly studying the craft of acting, you might be an actor. You might study the works of famous actors, attend acting workshops, or read books on the subject. If you’re constantly learning new techniques, you might be ready to become an actor. Becoming an actor will allow you to learn new skills and develop your craft as a storyteller.
While funds might be tight, you scope the frontier to see if there are ways to attend acting classes online, even before arriving in Hollywood to meet people and grow as a performer. If you have a drive to constantly learn and grow as an actor, you might be a good fit to become an actor. Becoming an actor will allow you to learn new techniques and grow as a storyteller.
23 You Want to Move to Hollywood Really Bad
You live, dream and think about Hollywood. It’s where you know you belong and you yearn for the day to move. It’s all about the entertainment and you can’t shake the feeling you need to move to Los Angeles and the mecca of the entertainment world. You’ve scoured the Los Angeles area and know all the details on getting around the metro area as you plot your desire to live in the City of Angels.
24 You’d Act for Free, If the Producers Let You
It’s not all about the money and you mean it. If you could act on any of the primetime shows, you’d do it for free. Not because you don’t want the money or the fame – that would be awesome. You’d do it because you love the chance to entertain millions of people who watch.
25 You Have Made Strangers Cry
If you are too emotional, you are destined to become an actor. You make strangers cry when you share emotional stories, your meltdowns make people watch the situation closely and your desire to be everyone’s best friend are good indications you are very close to being on the big screen.

26 You Care about How you Look
You don’t leave the house without looking over yourself not once, but at least three times. Looking good is part of living and breathing. And it’s a reason you are bound to become an actor.
27 You Believe Acting is Art
Acting is all about living the lives of others on screen. It’s an art and it’s amazing when people connect with you. If you believe acting is an artform and you want to be part of it, then you can become an actor.
28 You are willing to Do whatever it takes to act
Your job is being an actor, but you’ll take on side jobs to make it happen. You are willing to do whatever it takes to be an actor. It doesn’t have to be pretty, but it does have to offer you money as you connect with people in the business to be considered for a part.
29 You Don’t Mind Clapping for Shows – Even if Watching On TV
Your appreciation of the art isn’t just live, it’s also at home too. While you dream about being in the audience of a popular show broadcast to people around the world, you’re right now clapping at home. Hopefully you will find yourself a job with audience work so you can clap live and contribute to the over all atmosphere of the show.
30 You Feel You Are Ready for your First Audition
You might not be part of the Hollywood scene yet. Or even attended a acting class. But you know in your soul you are ready, willing and prepared for your first audition in LA-LA-Land. After reading up on how auditions work in the big city, you feel your small town background has helped you prepare for something bigger.
If you are thinking you want to become an actor, it’s time to well….act on it. Nobody is going to support your dream if they don’t know about it. Be vocal, consider the possibilities of lessons, moving to Los Angeles and even put together a plan to make it happen.
No matter what type of acting interests you—from theater to film to commercial—knowing if you have the potential to become an actor can be challenging. Dig in your heels and follow your dream!