7 Audition Tips for Actors who Audition at Home

Audition at home? Welcome to 2022

Want to find audition tips for actors? Are you an actor who is auditioning from home? If so, you’re in luck! There are a few things that you can do to make the process easier and more successful. In this blog post, we will discuss seven practical tips for actors who audition at home. You are equipped to have successful auditions when you audition at home. It might be a different environment, but you can embrace the location while showing your best.

Audition Tips for Actors

Auditioning from home can be challenging, I am aware it’s not easy. As a struggling actor, it just feels like one more challenge to get your parts. After going to studios for auditions, the change of being asked to audition at home was uncomfortable at first. Hopefully, with these auditions tips for actors, you’ll be able to put your best foot forward!

My 7 Audition Tips for Actors who Audition at Home:

1. Make sure the space is quiet and distraction-free. 

2. Get plenty of rest before your audition. 

3. Arrive well-prepared and know your lines cold. 

4. Tape yourself in front of a neutral background. 

5. Be aware of your body language and energy level on camera. 

6. Practice beforehand so you feel comfortable with the process. 

7. You’ve got this! Keep submitting you audition at home audition self tapes

When it comes to auditions you are in control, especially at home. The process might be more difficult though. Your feedback is coming through a camera (if you are doing a live zoom) or you talk into a tiny hole for your audition, hoping  your feelings come across in the process. That’s why you need to really hone your skills and audition at home like you were standing in a studio lot room getting the chance of a lifetime.

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Your Environment Matters

Remember when you are auditioning from home, it is important to create a professional environment. This means finding a quiet place where you will not be interrupted by people, pets and any other purpose. Turn off your phone, shut the windows, get away from the television and any other distractions that might prevent you from giving your best performance. You should also make sure that the space you are using is well-lit with a lighting ring and free of clutter. Visual distractions are just as bad as interruptions for a self-audition tape.

Be Prepared Please

Of course, when you are auditioning, it is important to be prepared. This means knowing the material inside and out. You should also have a general understanding of the character you are auditioning for even if it is a self tape audition. Look for clues on what the character is doing and how your scene engages with other characters. It is also helpful to know the format of the audition, so that you can be prepared for anything that might be thrown your way, if you’re talking live to a casting director or producer. A very basic auditions tips for actors is all about preparation. Don’t be afraid to bring in elements that help you with your lines. Items you might have around the house that really help capture a scene.

Confident Projection

When you are auditioning, it is important to be confident. This is much harder to do over a zoom call or during a self tape. Your projection needs to be strong and it’s worthy of practicing to make sure it’s perfect. This means that you should believe in yourself and your abilities AND you need to believe it during your audition at home. Auditions can be nerve-wracking, but if you go into it with confidence, you will be more likely to succeed. Remember, the people who are watching your audition want you to do well, so don’t be afraid to show them what you’ve got!

You’ve Got to Be You

When you are auditioning, it is important to be yourself. The people who are watching your audition want to see the real you, so don’t try to be someone that you’re not. Be genuine, be authentic, and be the best version of yourself that you can be. And remember, when you meet them in person after you get the gig, you need to be that same individual who auditioned for the part. If you’re not, well then you’ll be heading home.

Take Time to Relax

When you are auditioning, it is important to relax. Easier said than done, right? With all the variables, the excitement and then the energy of the performance, relaxing seems like a stretch. This doesn’t mean that you should be completely relaxed as that’s very unnormal, but you shouldn’t be so tense that you can’t do your audition either. Find a happy medium where you are comfortable and able to focus on your audition. 

Character Connection in Mind, Body, Soul

When you are auditioning, it is important to connect with the material. Research, practice and patience are key to bringing a character to live. This is another important awareness for auditions tips for actors. This means that you should find a way to connect with the character you are auditioning for by the means you use to develop the scene. If you can find a way to connect with the material, it will come across in your audition.

Use Your Eyes

When you are auditioning, it is important to make eye contact. This means that you should look at the people who are watching your audition and make a connection with them. Even if the self tape audition isn’t live, you need to make the viewer engaged with you. Eye contact will help you to create a rapport with the people who are watching your audition. It will also allow you a point to focus and convey your emotions.

Don’t Give Up

Even if your first self tape audition is shaky when you have an audition at home, don’t give up. You are an actor! If you are sending it in, the opportunity to redo the audition is a great way to build up your confidence and bring the character to life further. Practice does relay on tape. Make sure your audition at home is your best. Just like it would be in person! 

In Conclusion

If you’re an actor who is auditioning from home, whether it’s for a self tape audition or in-person callback, it’s important to make sure your performance is top-notch. You don’t get a second chance (but you can always do your best!) Thanks for reading my auditions tips for actors!

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