Are you aware that many actors fail in the entertainment world? Hollywood is an unforgiving place for aspiring actors, comedians and producers. With so many people trying to break into it, the competition is fierce. Even if you’re an amazing actor with a sparkling resume, actors fail in Hollywood if you don’t know what you’re getting into when signing up for roles.
Actors Succeed and Actors Fail
As an aspiring actor, you’re probably well aware of the challenges that come with trying to break into the Hollywood scene. Even so, some days I believe the pressure is far more difficult than we are led to believe!
With so many people pursuing acting as a career, it can be difficult to stand out and land an audition. Even once you’ve managed to get an agent or manager and started booking gigs, there’s still a lot of work to be done in order to take your career to the next level.
If you’re serious about becoming a successful actor in Hollywood, you need to be aware of common pitfalls that many new actors stumble upon while trying to break into the industry. If you want to thrive instead of merely surviving as an actor, you need to consider how your career will avoid these common acting pitfalls.

1. You’re Unwilling to Take Work
One of the biggest reasons that actors fail in Hollywood has to do with their unwillingness to take work. This can refer to what kinds of projects you’re willing to take on, but it can also be related to the amount of work you’re willing to do.
Typically, aspiring actors have a hard time getting consistent work. If you’re just starting out, it can be difficult to get consistent work. I remember my start was a crap-show on every level. Getting gigs that didn’t run all night was tough. There was always a gig that was at 5am too. Even with the weird scheduling, the horrible hours and all the drama with the construction as LA traffic is light early but construction crews are our, I got up, made myself look good and went to work!
You need to make sure that you’re willing to do whatever work is thrown your way. Whether you’re starting as an extra, have a very small part, be a walkon for an Internet video, or take on voiceover work, you need to be willing to take on any kind of work that’s being offered to you. If you’re struggling to get consistent work, this is a great way to fill the gap between auditions.
2. Your Skills Lack Lessons and Your Coach is AWOL
Another reason why actors fail in Hollywood has to do with their lack of skills. Some actors have the natural ability and charisma needed to succeed in the industry, but many others rely solely on their natural talents.
Unfortunately, success in Hollywood is rarely attained through natural ability alone. If you want to succeed in this industry, you need to be able to rely on more than just your natural talent. Even if it is, you have to grow or someone will outshine you on every level.
You also need to possess the skills that are needed to make it in this industry. Whether you need to learn how to properly audition, improve your audition technique, or even how to land an agent and manager, you need to be willing to put in the work necessary to succeed.
Aspiring actors who fail in Hollywood often lack the necessary skills and coaching needed to succeed in this industry. If you want to make sure that you don’t fall into this trap, you need to be willing to take the time to learn whatever skills are needed for success. And find an acting coach to guide you along the way too!
3. You Phone in Your Auditions and Casting Calls
Another reason why actors fail in Hollywood has to do with their lack of preparation. As an aspiring actor, you probably already know how important it is to prepare for an audition.
Unfortunately, many actors are guilty of not putting in enough preparation time when it comes to their auditions. They are too confident that they have the goods and blow it when adjustments are made in the room (and, yes casting directors adjust all the time.)
If you want to make sure that you’re prepared for every audition, you need to put in the time and effort beforehand. If you’re just taking the audition to get it out of the way, you’re likely to phone in the actual audition. Preparing for an audition doesn’t just mean memorizing the lines; it means researching the project, fully understanding the role, and preparing yourself for the audition. And most importantly knowing the characters around yours so you can flip roles at the drop of a hat!
4. You Don’t Know the Industry
Another big reason why actors fail in Hollywood has to do with their lack of knowledge of the industry. This could refer to anything from not knowing the necessary steps to get an agent and book a job to not knowing the standard rate for an audition booking.
Assuming someone else should help, they never find out. Knowing the industry from every angle is crucial to success as an actor. If you don’t have a basic understanding of how to get an agent, how the booking process works, and what is expected for certain types of jobs, you’re likely to fail in Hollywood. The more you know about the industry, the better prepared you’ll be for success. There are tons of online resources that can help you to better understand the industry and learn the ropes, but you need ot go and look.
5. Your Priorities Aren’t In Order
Another reason why actors fail in Hollywood has to do with their priorities. Actors who fail have priorities that don’t line up with their goals and dreams. If you want to succeed in this industry, you need to make sure that your priorities are in line with your goals and dreams.
Growing your career in this industry takes time. It’s rare for someone to achieve overnight success. If you want to succeed as an actor, you need to be willing to put in the work necessary to get there. This means making sacrifices and putting your career first. You need to be willing to sacrifice time with friends and family, give up additional hobbies, and make a commitment to your career. Yes, your acting career.
If you want to succeed in this industry, you need to make sure that your priorities are in order and that you’re fully committed to your goals and dreams.

6. Your Attitude and Ego Are Obnoxious
Another reason why actors fail in Hollywood has to do with their attitude and ego. Actors who fail often have an inflated ego that causes them to fail auditions, make poor career moves, and have difficulties building relationships with casting directors, directors, and producers.
You need to be willing to put your ego aside when you’re in a room with casting directors, directors, and producers, or it will cause you to fail in Hollywood. Nobody likes an egomaniacal actor; they’re difficult to work with and have a bad reputation.
You also need to make sure that you have a likable and positive attitude. You don’t want to be the actor who comes off as rude, snooty, or stuck-up. Make sure that you’re willing to take constructive criticism and that you’re approachable and friendly.
7. You Need More Self Confidence
You need confidence in Hollywood as you will be told no again and again. So you need to pick yourself up and keep trying. Actors who fail often lack self-confidence, causing them to make poor decisions, be overly critical of their performances, and avoid auditions. If you want to succeed in this industry, you need to be willing to put yourself out there.
You also need to be confident enough to walk into an audition room full of casting directors and producers without feeling intimidated or nervous. If you lack self-confidence, you’re likely to fail in Hollywood. It’s a finicky thing, this Hollywood job, but you need to have the nerves to do it.
8. You Refuse to Take Risks
Another reason why actors fail in Hollywood has to do with their lack of risk-taking. Actors who fail in Hollywood are often too afraid to risk failure and put themselves out there. If you want to succeed in this industry, you need to be willing to take risks, including moving to Los Angeles to get to casting calls
You need to be willing to make auditions and take on roles that are outside of your wheelhouse. You also need to be willing to put yourself out there and take the chance on networking and interacting with fellow actors, directors, and producers. If you’re too afraid to take risks, you’re likely to fail in Hollywood. You need to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and put yourself out there.
In Conclusion
When I moved to Hollywood, I found myself in a romantic trance with the City of Angels that I saw from afar and her camera glory had me running for the entertainment world. However, the brutal streets of LA showed up and set me straight fairly quickly. I wanted to be a success in Los Angeles and I’m sure you do too!
There are many factors that can contribute to an actor failing in Hollywood, and unfortunately, many of them can be avoided. If you want to avoid these pitfalls, you need to be willing to put yourself out there, take risks, be prepared, and make sacrifices.