8 Good Habits for Actors: How to Achieve Success

Having good habits for actors to be successful it absolutely essential. Being an actor can be a challenging career. I get it, as I started with what I thought was good habits for actors and found out quickly, I needed help! It’s not easy to knock on doors in Hollywood every day and not be discouraged by the rejection.

Good Habits for Actors? Positive + Focus

Actors need to have the right attitude and skills to get roles, get seen by casting directors, agents and producers, and land gigs. It’s not easy to become an actor, especially when you are just starting out. Even the most successful actors have struggled to find work or build their careers if they aren’t positive.

I’ve found it’s particularly difficult to be moving to Los Angeles, knowing that you are expected to perform at highest levels, when dealing with day-to-day issues. I remember looking for an apartment the same day I was asked for a call back audition for a shoe commercial. I know I got the role because I was positive and knew my job. While I got the commercial, I didn’t get the apartment and I did feel defeated.

That being said, if you want to thrive as an actor rather than simply survive as one then you need to develop habits that will see you succeed. If you want to become a successful actor then it’s important that you adopt good habits that will help your career thrive. This post will detail some of the best habits for actors so that you can focus on developing these attributes in your own life and succeed as an actor with ease.

While you might be thinking, this sounds easy, but it’s not. A good habit sometimes means you need to have intent on your actions. When you audition for callbacks, go to a studio, be part of an audience, you need to have your moment on! If you’re wondering what this means, our 8 Good Habits for actors are something you need to consider when part of the business.

  1. Be Yourself
  2. Stay in Shape
  3. Be professional at all Times
  4. Don’t be Afraid to Audition
  5. Stay healthy
  6. Practice your Craft
  7. Network Consistently
  8. Don’t give up and Stay determined

Finding the answer to being your most authentic self means knowing that you are offering good habits every time you walk out your door. While you might be thinking good habits look good at auditions (and they do) but they also help when you are network and even when you are living life. you never know who you might run into on your day-to-day journey.

Good Habits for Actors

1. Be Yourself

One of the most good habits for actors to develop is being yourself. The industry can be a fickle place, and if you try to become something you’re not just to get roles you won’t ever be truly successful for the long term. If you try to be something you’re not then your career will be short-lived at best, and you’ll quickly find that you don’t enjoy the job at all.

When you’re being yourself, you’re being genuine, and that’s important in any career. Being an actor is all about connecting with the audience. If you try to be something else, you’re likely to come across as false, and that’s going to hurt your career before it even starts. Take a minute, before you go in to find yourself. Some people check out their friends on Facebook. Others pause for a minute and regroup. Whatever works for you is what you need to do for that authentic self to shine.

2. Stay in Shape

More good habits for actors should adopt is staying in shape. Now, this doesn’t mean you should turn to the gym to the exclusion of all else, but you should make sure you’re looking after yourself.

If you have an agent, they may have particular requirements for you. If you have an agent then they’ll send you out on auditions, and if you’re not looking your best then you’re going to miss out on a lot of them.

Some auditions require you to have a certain look, and if you aren’t prepared you’re going to miss out on a lot of them. If you want to be successful then you need to make sure that you’re looking after yourself so that you can be at your best. This can be as simple as eating well and getting enough sleep so that you’re not running on empty.

You may also want to consider other things like getting a gym membership or even getting a personal trainer to help motivate you to achieve your fitness goals.

3. Be Professional at All Times

Another important good habit that actors need to develop is being professional. This is one of the most important habits for actors because if you aren’t being professional then you’re not going to get far in the industry. You’re competing against thousands of other actors and you need to stand out from the crowd. You can do this by being professional at all times.

This means that you’re always on time for meetings, you always turn up to auditions on time, and you’re always prepared. You don’t want to turn up to an audition underprepared so make sure that you always have a notebook where you write down your lines. This will help you focus and make sure you don’t forget your lines.

4. Don’t be Afraid to Audition

Another important habit is not being afraid to audition. If you don’t have an agent then you’ll have to go out and audition for roles. This is a great thing because it means you have more control over your career and which roles you get.

If you want to control your career then you need to be going out to auditions for roles. You should focus on roles that are a good fit for you that you’re confident you can nail. This is a good habit for actors who want to see what roles might fit them. This will help you to focus on roles that you’re good at and that you can nail. This means that you’ll win more roles and get more work.

5. Stay Healthy

Another important good habit for actors that we all must adopt is staying healthy. This means eating well and getting enough sleep. You don’t want to turn up to an audition or a casting with bags under your eyes. If you want to be successful then you need to be at your best all the time and that includes being well rested.

This means that you need to get your eight hours of sleep every night so that you’re not turning up to work or auditions tired. You also need to make sure that you eat well and avoid junk food as much as possible. Eating unhealthy foods can make you feel tired, and this will hurt your career if you eat like this all the time.

6. Practice Your Craft

Another important habit is making sure that you’re practicing your craft. You want to be at the top of your game at all times, and the best way to do that is to practice your craft. This means that you should focus on honing your craft and making sure that you’re at the top of your game.

If you want to be successful, then you need to make sure that you’re always improving your craft and getting better. You need to practice your craft as much as possible so that you’re always improving and not regressing. You may want to join an acting class or take other ways to improve your craft. You can also create scenes at home and film them so that you can critique yourself and see where you need to improve.

7. Network Constantly

Another important habit is constantly networking. You should constantly be networking with other actors and people in the industry. This will help you to grow as a person and meet new people. If you want to get roles then you need to be seen by casting directors, and if you network with people then you can get in front of them.

Networking is a great way to get in front of people who may have roles for you. You can network at events, on social media, and with people in your industry. You can do this online or in-person and it’s a great way to get your name out there and meet new people.

8. Don’t Give Up and Stay Determined

Another important habit for actors to adopt is not giving up and staying determined. This industry is very competitive and it’s normal to feel like you want to give up on your dreams at some points.

If you want to be successful, then you need to push through these feelings and stay determined to succeed. You need to push through the rough patches, and when you’re feeling like you want to give up, you need to push through that. You need to know that this is a normal part of the process and that you can only move past this by pushing through those feelings.

Stay determined to succeed, and you’ll get there in the end.


These are the eight good habits for actors to achieve success. If you want to be successful in the acting industry then you need to develop these habits and make sure that they become part of your daily routine. Being an actor is a challenging job, but it’s also a rewarding one that can also help you to grow as a person.

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