6 Tips to Using a Self Tape Studio for a Strong Audition

A Self Tape Studio is Worth the Money

A self tape studio is the next step for a serious actor to get noticed. It’s not surprising that more and more actors prefer to use self tape studios rather than actually providing their own audition filmed at home. Yes, they can be a little pricey, but if that’s what it takes to actually get the acting job, it’s really worth it!

Self Tape Studio

Why Go the Extra Mile?

Why get the professional studio help? Removing the clutter and focusing on the actor, the self tape audition becomes extremely focused on the delivery. It’s amazing how precise the audition becomes when you go to the studio.

As the industry has progressed with technology casting directors are making serious and focused choices of who they will work with based on self tape auditions.

You only get one take to make an impression. If the casting director loves your work, you have the job. If the self tape is sloppy, you might never get your shot.

Self tape studio auditions can be used for series work, background gigs, commercials, theater performances, reels and other acting work. It’s the first step in the process. From there, if you impress, you will be invited in for a second audition, typically in person. Some casting directors will never even meet the actor before filming. Instead they use zoom or other digital advancements to connect until the day of the shoot.

How to Your Self Tape Auditions Look?

While this shouldn’t be a concern, the reality is how your self tape auditions look matter. Casting directors are looking at you, your dialogue, how you interact with your space, the background and more. If you are trying to get a serious part then you probably should consider using a self tape studio. Especially if you have a more primitive studio setting at home. Or if it’s loud.

Be Ready to Perform

Cheap studios typically are charged by the half-hour. And many actors will find it intimidating to show up in form as the surroundings are very sterile. However, don’t be alarmed. The professionalism of a studio who helps make a self tape might get you the part even faster. At least you know you’ve done your best. 

Related Reading: Acting Tips

So once you’ve decided to book your next self tape studio session you need to know how to make it the best it can be. And you need to make sure you don’t run over on the time. Or it will cost you.

Here are Five Tips on Using a Self tape Studio to Your Advantage.

  1. Ask if you can hear who will read with you before you get to the session. This will help you prepare for the energy that will be on the other side of your self tape audition. If you don’t feel it’s proper, then ask for someone else. This simple tip is extraordinarily important as you need to have confidence and camaraderie when you film. 
  2. Bring your props. It’s extraordinary important to be comfortable. Make sure that your fashion your props and anything else you might need. Have the script readily available so that the casting director can see you in action 
  3. Make the time of your appointment be in line with your best time of the day energy. Don’t make an appointment for 10 a.m. when you are a night owl. Make sure you match your energy with the time of the actual appointment so that you can show your best self.
  4. Don’t be afraid to show your script. As with any good audition it’s not necessarily essential to memorize everything. In fact most cast directors want to see actors read off the script or at least reference it.
  5.  Make sure you like how your self casting tape looks before you leave the studio. If it doesn’t feel right or you aren’t satisfied with the actual performance then don’t take it home. Ask for it to be redone so you can offer your best work.
  6. If you are still having trouble performing your best on tape, consider asking if there are any self tape classes or self tape coaching that  is available to further your craft.
Self Tape Studios can be Found Everywhere

Self Tape Studios are found  all around the United States. However if you don’t have one in your area consider other Alternatives including photographers, YouTubers or other individuals who actually have the video setup ready and available upon request. With the lights and backdrop offering you your best look, all you need to do is come in and perform. Then send that video to casting director and see what the results might be

In Conclusion

As with any casting opportunity. You must put out your best foot forward and see what the results might be. There is an advantage to making a video at a self tape studio. Basically it offers a professional look at your craft. And it allows casting directors to focus on you and not on the bad lighting. Or anything else bad in the background.

If you have funds to actually start using self tape studios consider doing so as you will have an advantage over your competitors who are fighting for the same jobs. And if you want to get further into the idea of a perfect audition, see if the local studio has self-tape classes or self tape coaching.

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