Los Angeles Auditions are Plentiful
Los Angeles auditions are a commodity. If you’re searching for an auditions hub in Los Angeles, your search ends here. The city is home to some of the most renowned and popular auditions hubs in the country.

From independent producers seeking fresh talent for films, TV shows, commercials, and more, to acting schools looking for actors for their summer programs, auditions are practically a staple in the city. There are so many opportunities in the City of Angels!
If you’re new to auditioning in LA or just want an insight into what to expect from your first time coming through the gates of one of these sessions – read on. Here you will learn everything you need to know about auditioning in Los Angeles and how it differs from other cities where you may be looking to do the same thing.
What is an Audition in Los Angeles?
An audition is usually a one-to-one exchange between the casting agent and the prospective talent. This is where the director, producer, or director’s assistant will ask you questions about your past experience, what you’re hoping to get out of the audition, what kind of role you’re interested in, and finally, perform a scene or two.
When conducting an audition in Los Angeles, you’ll be expected to know your material extremely well and be comfortable with being in front of the camera. You shouldn’t have to have an extensive resume or portfolio with you, unless you’re auditioning for a theatrical production or acting school. When going to a Los Angeles audition, you will find it’s the best of the best.
If you’re looking to book a few extra dollars in your pocket, consider yourself “cast” and get your head in the game through these tips when looking for auditions in Los Angeles.
Tips on Auditioning in Los Angeles
Before You Leave the House
Before you head off to one of the Los Angeles auditions, you want to make sure you’re as prepared as possible. Here are a few things you’ll want to add to your auditioning bag before hitting the road.
Your Resume – If you’re auditioning for a commercial or a feature-length film, your resume will be expected as part of your submission. Make sure to pack it in a folder that can fit nicely in your laptop sleeve or bag.
Your Headshots – Headshots are absolutely necessary if you’re looking to book a Los Angeles audition. They’re what the casting director or director’s assistant is going to be looking at to help them get a feel for who you are and what you can bring to the table.
Your Script or Notes – You never know if you might accidentally leave your script at home, or if you’re handed the wrong script. You never know if you’re going to need a headshot or notes to help you navigate the scene, so keep them on you at all times.
Your Auditioning Gear Case – Script, headshots, and notes are a start, but you’ll want to make sure you have everything else you need to get through an audition in Los Angeles and have a nice case to put everything inside.
Your Phone Charger – If the audition takes longer than expected, or if you’re waiting on the call, you’ll want to be sure your phone is charged and ready to go. These things can happen unexpectedly and quickly.
Related Material: Acting Advice for People Moving to Los Angeles
Finding an Audition in Los Angeles
Once you’ve figured out where to look for Los Angeles auditions, it’s time to start booking them. The key here is to find lots of auditions that are near to each other. You can do this by searching for “actors” in your desired city on many casting sites.
These casting sites have many auditions posted for the city you’re in. You can access them by signing up for an account. As a bonus, you can then bookmark these sites and check them every time you need to book a few extra dollars in your pocket.
There are many talent networks as well. These are more common in cities other than Los Angeles, but they’re worth a shot if you’re looking for auditions in the city. You can find one by signing up for a few different casting sites and following the advice of the few people who recommend it.

Things To Bring to Your Audition
If you’re auditioning for a feature-length film, you’ll definitely want to bring your script. If it’s a theatrical production, you can go without the script, but you’ll want to bring your headshots and a headshot card, as well as your resume. The common items you need for movies, theater and even commercials you should bring and if you are unsure, ask your agent or manager for their advice.
You’ll also want to bring an extra pair of shoes, an extra outfit to change into if the scene takes longer than expected, and a bottle of water.
You can also bring your lunch, but try to make sure it’s small enough to fit in your bag. For sure you want to bring water or something to drink!
How to Prepare for Your Audition
Before you head off to your audition in Los Angeles, take a moment to think about how you can make the most of your experience. Here are a few things you can do to help you get through an audition in LA as smoothly as possible.
Know Where You are Parking
Los Angeles auditions means facing massive traffic and parking can be a pain. Make sure you know where you are going, the time it will take to get there and then where you are planning to park. While there are parking lots around the area, you will find that they are expensive. Off street parking may have certain restrictions and if you are planning to park in studio lots, you may need permission. instead of stressing out at the last minute, figure out your plan for your Los Angeles auditions.
Practice, Practice, Practice
While you don’t want to get so good that you’re unbeatable, if you’re waiting to book an audition because you can’t do a line, a scene, or a character justice, you’re just wasting your time. Practice until you feel comfortable doing the work. –
Los Angeles Has Many Possibilities
The auditions in Los Angeles are tough, and you need to be prepared to face a new challenge when you step into the room. Now, you don’t have to face them alone, you can find helpful tips and advice from the following auditions in Los Angeles. These auditions in the city are going to be tough, but with the right approach and preparation, they can all be conquered. Don’t let your nerves get the best of you when you walk into the room, and make sure you’re ready for anything that might come your way.
In Conclusion
If you are looking to book a Los Angeles Audition, it’s time to get started on your journey. There are a number of opportunities that every actor, no matter of your skillset, that can apply and see if you can get on your journey. Good luck!
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